Before we get into examination law terms, let’s examine why you would be preparing for the LSAT. The reasons that most people prepare for the LSAT typically differ because each person has their own unique set of requirements. There are some people who don’t have enough time to devote to studying, while other people have limited resources. Still other people have not taken the effort to learn the material, but still expect to perform at a high level on the LSAT.
Now that we know why you are preparing for the LSAT, we can look at some of the more common examination law terms. One of the main distinctions that you will encounter in the examination law terms area is between a “hard” question and a “soft” question. A hard question is one in which the answer is obvious, and where the problem is somewhat out of reach for the average candidate. A soft question is an easier question where the answer isn’t as clear or obvious, but where the candidate may be able to come up with reasonable answers.
There are different types of LSAT questions that you may be asked throughout the course of your study. Some types of questions are multiple-choice, while others are true-or-false questions. In addition, there are essay questions, which are primarily designed to test the candidate’s reading comprehension and writing skills. Finally, there are both oral and written sections of the examination.
The first type of question that you will likely be given in a typical examination is a multiple-choice type. These questions usually only ask about the type of law school that you would like to attend. You may be asked to define the different types of schools, and to list your top choices. You will most likely be asked to describe your interests and goals for a clerkship position at a certain law firm, or what types of cases you would prefer to work on. You may also be asked to analyze the performance of past clerks in a specific case, or to examine how the law school’s ranking system works.
The second type of question that you will likely be asked during an LSAT exam is a true or false question. This type of question requires you to provide some sort of legal information and then be tested on whether or not that information is correct. Typically, these types of questions cover some of the same ground as the multiple-choice type and are designed to see just how well a candidate can analyze the various areas of the law. Additionally, this type of question is usually administered during a pre-examination phase before the examination actually takes place.
The third type of question will ask you to analyze a specific part of legislation. This type of question is most often administered during the last phase of law school before the exam. It is designed to determine how well you understand a specific part of the U.S. Constitution or Civil Rights laws. In addition to asking you to analyze these laws, the examiner will ask you to explain why each part of the law is important, how it affects you as a consumer, and how it affects the functioning of our society as a whole.
There are a number of other types of question that may be administered during an examination. Some examinations will simply require you to write an essay, demonstrate your proficiency with a law term, or to present a scientific research or statistical evidence related to a specific law term. Examiners do not have a lot of room to ask too many follow up questions, so they will almost never ask you to interpret a complicated issue beyond what you first presented. They will almost never ask you to analyze a complicated issue from a legal point of view unless it is extremely relevant to the area of law that the examination is centered around. If you encounter this type of question, you should prepare for it ahead of time so that you can give an accurate answer. It may be helpful to review the topics that you will be asked to analyze in depth before taking the examination.