In order to make sure you’re following the law, it’s essential to become familiar with what’s illegal in school, as well as what’s not. For example, there are some activities that many students enjoy, such as sports, drama, music, and recreation. When you choose to do these activities, it’s assumed that you don’t need a license, since doing these activities is part of the school’s responsibility. If, on the other hand, you decide to take an art class instead, you’re still within the realm of legality.
But what about field trips? When school officials organize field trips, it’s assumed that everyone involved will abide by the same rules of conduct. So it’s illegal for them to invite underage students to take part in such an activity. It’s also assumed, regardless of age, that any student who attends a school sponsored by the government is sufficiently immunized against diseases. So you may have to settle for taking an extra pill every time you join a field trip.
Another activity that’s considered illegal in school is speech. Some students enjoy making political statements, making complaints about a teacher’s performance, and writing political essays. But when they talk about these things to other students, they could face disciplinary actions. Students aren’t expected to share their political views to other students at school. As long as other students don’t hear anything inappropriate, they can freely express their own political views.
Gay-straight friendshipships are another example of what’s illegal in school. School may frown upon some friendships that promote discrimination. If a student starts a gay-straight friendship group, he or she may need to make sure that the group does not include anyone who is already involved with a school Gay Straight Alliance. The same goes for other similar activities, like a pep rally or a cross-dressing group. A student may be required to seek approval to participate in one of these activities before he or she starts. The same goes for sports teams, dance clubs, and honor or chorus teams that have a history of discriminating against individuals because of sexual orientation.
Sexual contact between students who are of the same sex or the same gender is illegal in most schools. Students may be asked to take a sexual orientation test or to participate in sensitivity training if they want to participate in school events that involve sexual activity. Sex education is a good thing, but some people simply do not learn about it when they’re young, so they don’t understand why they shouldn’t practice it when they’re older.
Drug use by students on campus is illegal. Using illegal drugs on school property or in school dorms and hallways is also illegal. Any information about a student using drugs should be reported to the principal and turned over to the police. If a student participates in illegal activities, he or she may be suspended or expelled from school. Students who get into altercations with other students and cause trouble may even be expelled from school.
Fighting is illegal as well. Fighting other students, faculty, and staff are a serious problem that can cause a lot of harm to a person and his or her family. Fighting may occur during school games and may even take place during tournaments, so it’s important for a student to report any incidents to a school administrator right away. Fighting is wrong, no matter what’s illegal in school.