Hindu Law and Legal Assistant Exam Syllabus For the Certified Legal Assistant Exam

The legal assistant examination is conducted in phases. It will be divided into four distinct phases. First, candidates will take a written examination. Then they will have to answer a series of questions about law and legal matters. They will have to compile the responses correctly and upload them into the system.

On the second day of the phase, candidates will have to write a comprehensive essay in support of their argument. It is mandatory for all candidates to upload their essay on the online submission form. On the next day, candidates will have to appear in a court and give a deposition. Court members will ask them a number of questions pertaining to their knowledge of Indian history, the present scenario, and their opinions on various legal issues.

On the fourth day of the test, candidates will have to appear for a real-time skill test. This is a hands-on test and candidates are given a maximum of three minutes to complete it. Each skill is judged on its own merit and no two questions may be asked to the same person twice. There are five themes detected by the panelists. These are recent, theme detection, inference, drafting and argument.

For the third month of the legal assistant exam syllabus, candidates will be taught to construct a simple four-step logical sequence. The logical sequence requires the elements of numbers, words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs. This includes operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. During the first week, candidates will be taught the meaning of numbers, symbols representing numbers, alphabet letters A through Z, counting by twos, and conversion factors.

The fourth week of the legal assistant syllabus 2021 comes with a comprehensive discussion on interpretation. The topics include interpreting the usage and context of legal jargon and terminology. It is also essential to learn about the formal structure of the legal job location and their specific differences. The concepts to be understood include precedence, subcription, aggregation, directness and passive response. The final two topics, argument and composition, will require students to create an argument and compose a document that makes an impact on the judge.

One of the most important parts of legal jobs is the understanding of analogies, similes and metaphors. Legal assistants will also need to comprehend and interpret figures of speech such as metaphors, allegory, folklores and other visual images. Paraphrasing will also be discussed in the last two weeks of the exam syllabus. Paraphrasing refers to using the same language in several senses, which are usually used to interpret a situation.

The final four posts of the legal syllabus 2021 have very minimal requirements. The topics are oral communication and persuasive writing. This will include communicating and listening with clients and opposing lawyers in legal matters. Writing is necessary for legal professionals to express their opinions, review the legal documents, draft documents and make other legal documents. The official website of Texas Bar Association also offers sample questionnaires and essays to practice before taking the exam.

The last four posts of the Hindu law and legal assistant exam syllabus are meant for candidates who wish to specialize in either Civil Law Criminal Law or Family Law. They will have to undergo specialized studies including Indian History, Hindu Mythology, Law & Civil Society, and Religion and Policy. Candidates will have to complete two additional years of college in order to pursue specialization. Students can select from a number of specializations like family cases, commercial disputes, labor and industrial disputes, land and property, terrorism, human rights, family violence, and juvenile law. A student has to successfully complete the specializations that they choose to pursue in order to pass the test for the certification examination conducted by the National Association of Legal Assistants or NALA.

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