The first thing you should do before you start the process of taking the examination is to find out what level you will be applying at. Most schools are fairly upfront about the level of legal education they require from their graduates, and will be fairly straightforward in telling prospective students about how to prepare for the examination. The United States bar association (USBA) is the independent agency responsible for administering the law course examination that is required for all lawyers practicing in the United States.
Each School that is responsible for administering examinations for lawyers in the United States will have their own set of examination standards. You should find that most of the required information is readily available on your School’s website or in their law library. Most Schools will also provide you with a copy of the Lawyer Selection Letter which is required if you wish to secure the highest marks possible. It is important that you review and follow the instruction on how to fill out your application correctly.
Law schools will only accept students that have completed a five years’ course. In most cases this means that you must have attended a five years’ law course at an American University. There is one exception to this requirement however; The Caribbean nation of Jersey actually requires their Graduates to have taken and passed the Law Degree Examination upon completion. This will almost certainly have to be a kumari third year course.
The law degree examination is a very difficult examination and it is not uncommon for candidates to be placed in an elite group with those that have attended the five-year program only. It is possible however to secure either a certificate or a qualified attorney’s license by passing the exam after five years of study. Even though you will have to attend another year of school if you want to secure a second degree, it is likely that the added burden of having to take and pass a certification exam for the second degree will prove to be too much for you to bear.
If you have already taken and passed your first two years’ course and wish to secure a third degree it is possible to go back and take the entire course over again. This is also known as a “second chance” course. Once you have secured a fourth year law degree, it is then possible to take a bar exam and obtain a qualified 3 years course. At this point you will have completed the first part of the law education process and will be able to sit for the bar exam. You may also be able to sit for the exams required for licensing in areas like real estate, insurance and securities.
To sit for the examination you must have taken and passed your first two years’ course and then been awarded a qualification. It is important that you do not attempt to pass your test more than one year ahead of when you actually need it. Law school does not allow students to take refresher tests within a three years’ course. To take a qualifying examination, you must have at least passed your first two years’ course and then be re-licensed in the state where you are practicing law. Only after you have obtained your license will you be allowed to take the test for becoming a practicing law lawyer.
Law school can seem like an incredibly long process for a student. In reality though, if you prepare properly you will be able to get through it without much trouble. Your first step is to take the time to work on your homework. This way you will know what to expect from your law degree examination.