The first thing that you need to do is take your time to study. Studying is supposed to be fun, so don’t spend all day worrying about what questions are coming up. Spend some time doing some practice exams. If the test center allows it, play a practice exam right before the real test. This can help you develop a good study schedule and give you a good gauge of how well you are prepared.
Don’t make the mistake of buying last minute supplies or taking a lot of time researching for an obscure law textbook. The test will likely be timed and based largely on what was learned in class, not what is in textbooks. So don’t skim through text books, magazines, or other sources. Instead spend the time that is necessary to read and understand what is being presented on the test.
Get into the mindset of focusing on your goals. The first task that you must accomplish before the test is answering a couple of questions related to the topic of the law school you are applying to. Once you know what these questions are, write down a list of questions that you know you are going to have to answer. The next step is to find answers to these questions that you can use to bring your overall stress level down; examples could include why an answer is correct, why it isn’t correct, and what a reasonable person would think about it.
The best way to avoid law school exam stress is to relax before the exam. When you get the information you need to review for the exam, review in your own mind and not in the textbook. You will likely have a long day ahead of you; remember this. It is important to remember that the duration of the exam does not necessarily indicate how difficult it will be. You may have questions that only take a few minutes to answer; in fact, some may only ask for a short response.
It is very easy to focus so much on all of the wrong things when preparing for a law school exam. Remember to keep your focus and take a deep breath. Your goal is to pass and do so as healthily as possible. When your anxiety increases, focus on something else; even if this means taking a bit of a nap. This is the best way to reduce the amount of stress you feel.
Another way to relieve some law school exam stress is to practice. This sounds silly and basic, but many students do not practice until the night before the exam. When you wake up the next morning, it is often too late to start practicing. However, by practicing over the course of a few days, not only do you increase your chances of passing the exam, but you also develop a sense of what the test will involve and how you will best answer the questions that will appear. As you progress through the test, you will become an expert at answering the types of questions asked and preparing ahead for the types of questions you will not see.
Law school exam stress can be difficult to deal with. However, there are steps that you can take to lessen the effects it has on you. When you go into the exam room knowing how to manage your stress, you will find it easier to cope. Once you have gone through the challenges of law school exam stress, you will be able to go into each exam confident and prepared for success.