Law School Examination Results – An American Phenomenon

When I took the bar exam in 2021 I was not very sure what to expect. I had worked as an attorney for many years and always thought of the law as a class work at times rather than an examination where you demonstrate your abilities. In this case I did well but did not expect to do so. My results showed that I had done well and was one of the youngest applicants in my age group ever to be accepted into the law school of my choice. I have been thrilled with the experience and am now preparing myself for the bar examination in six months.

A friend of mine graduated from Harvard Law School in 2021 and became a television executive shortly thereafter. He was quite content with his decision and I believe he would have done very well in a position such as this if he had started in the same mold. He became a successful television executive and now has to sit for the bar exam as the culmination of a stellar educational career. If Mr. Mulally and the Obama administration are able to manage the transition well the bar exam results could actually be positive for these graduates.

The first chief executive, I want to talk about was a lady who passed out of Georgia’s state bar. Ms. Jane Doe graduated from Gaston College and became a state judge. She is seventy years old and was the first female state judge. It is hard to imagine that she could have made it this far in her legal profession without any help. She went through a grueling training program to become a state judge and has gone on to become a world-renowned expert on labor rights, family rights, domestic violence, disability rights and other areas of interest.

Another example is that of Phyllis Major, a Supreme Court nominee. Ms. Major has struggled with mental health issues since her days as a young woman in the Texas oil fields. She has tried her hand at the highest levels of government, but her dream job in the United States Senate has remained elusive. At one time during the Clinton administration, she asked to speak before the Supreme Court, but her request was not taken seriously. In order to get her nomination as a Supreme Court justice, she must first clear all of the Senate procedural hurdles.

In an interview with the Washington Post, she said that the last time she had sought a consult from a lawyer working with the American Bar Association was about two years ago. She explained that her judicial orders had to do with preventing racial profiling and protecting the freedom of speech and religion. Since her appointment by President Obama, however, she has had to try and push back against the progress that has been made by his administration. She described her chief job as being in a position to protect the rights of people within the constitution of the United States.

Are you a follower of Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr.? If you answered no, then you probably feel that the American government does not protect your fundamental human rights. You see, the United States is the greatest single nation ever created in all of human history and it was formed by and for white Christian men. In fact, every white Christian man who is a citizen of the United States are automatically granted the right to rule and determine what is best for all Americans, which is why they continue to uphold the laws of slavery even though they have sworn never to participate in any form of slavery. In essence, they are duty bound to uphold the institution of slavery. In the same way, they are duty bound to protect the freedoms of all Americans including those who are not white Christians.

That is not enough, according to Ms. Mahatma Gandhi. She told the Washington Post that the greatest strength of America is her freedom of speech and her right to be treated justly for her beliefs. She did not call herself a Mandela-like leader, but she did refer to herself as a “leader” of her people. If the United States of America will stand for fundamental human rights, which are not just for whites, but also for all humans, including those of other religions and creeds, like Islam, then why is the United States government requiring a test for high school graduates to qualify for their chief degree? Is this about separation of religion and state, or is it about separation of fundamental human rights and the rights of others?

Some people believe that the current administration is trying to force all schools to accept all students, regardless of race, religion or sex. Although the test requirements are usually based on performance, some schools have been putting race and/or gender issues on the forefront of their discussions for quite some time now. Even some teachers are saying that it’s about time for the United States to pull out of the Middle East. Whether that is true or not should not matter to you as a law school graduate, because at the end of the day, it is you, the future law student, who will be answering these questions. So, do your homework and get the best law education you can before entering the examination room.

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