Using an Example of Legal in a Sentence

A simple example of legal in a sentence can make it easier to understand. “The defendant was charged with aggravated assault.” This example shows that the first clause, “charges” is attached to the end of a verb, therefore, “charged with”. The next clause, “attorneys”, indicates that the action is being pursued by an attorney. The example helps us see that the word “charged” has an added connotation of guilt.

“Mark was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol.” This example of legal in a sentence is fairly straightforward. Mark is the subject. “A charge” is added for the action of driving. “Was” attaches to the end of the verb “driving” and adds the idea of “an act”. The example of legal in a sentence shows that the subject is being described in the language of a court of law.

Another example of legal in a sentence is this: “John was accused of giving counterfeit goods to his partner.” Here, “charged” is added for the word “county” and “forgery”. The phrase “allegation” adds the idea of “plagiarism”.

“Raymond was found guilty of manslaughter for the death of his neighbor.” Again, the sentence here is a simple example of legal in a sentence. The words “allegation” and “plagiarism” add to the confusion about the actual charge. The phrase “county” does not tell us where the crime happened, only that it is a county matter.

“Mark was also found guilty of accessory after the fact for the robbery of the store.” Again, we have an example of legal in a sentence because this crime happened in another county. The word “assignment” is missing here as well. This is another example of legal in a sentence. The proper term for an action in a court of law is the quo warranto.

An example of legal in a sentence can be used in conjunction with other examples of legal in sentences. “Jury must be unanimous to find a guilty person guilty.” This is an example of legal in a sentence because only one person out of twelve or so jurors must agree on a charge. It is not an example of legal in a sentence because the sentence could be written as follows: “Jury must be unanimous to find a guilty person guilty.” In this example, there must be more than one verdict among the jurors.

An example of legal in a sentence can also be used to illustrate something else that you may not think about when writing an essay, article, or legal argument. “There is a distinct possibility that there is a criminal act or misdemeanor charges against this individual.” Here, there is a likelihood that the individual committed a crime, but it’s not clear that he or she actually committed it.

An example of legal in a sentence can be used to illustrate another point. “A common thread tying together many of these criminal acts is that they are performed when the victim feels the least threatened by the defendant.” You don’t need to spend hours reading through all of the possible statutes to learn about the definition of a crime in your state, nor do you need to know about any special cases. You just need to be able to understand the sentence, and then you can use the example of legal in a sentence to illustrate another point, or to provide additional information that will help you better understand the law.

The example of legal in a sentence can also be used as a way to explain what would be considered fair treatment in a particular case. For instance, if it’s been determined that you were guilty of misdemeanor battery, an example of legal in a sentence might be something like “Although she admitted that she had a negative feeling about Mr. X when they first met, she admitted that she did not actually want to hurt him.” This is an example of a fair treatment because Mr. X was allowed to defend himself at trial. The example shows that although she admitted that she intended to hurt him, she admitted that she didn’t actually do it.

An example of legal in a sentence can also be used to illustrate a point about punishment. “Although the punishment for theft is usually based on the amount of money that was taken, the sentencing guidelines for this crime are designed to take into consideration the circumstances surrounding the commission of the crime.” Again, an example of legal in a sentence is important because it illustrates how the punishments for crimes have changed over time.

There are many different uses for example of legal in a sentence. In addition to the explanations above, an example of legal in a sentence can show readers that although the concept behind the quote is important, the actual words used are more important. For example, if a court upholds a certain rule, the judge will probably say something like, “Although the court feels that this rule is fair, the facts just happen to show that…” Even though the example of legal in a sentence is meant to demonstrate a particular legal rule, the judge’s actual words in the case may have nothing to do with the law at all. Because of this, the example of legal in a sentence is not intended to demonstrate a particular result, but to illustrate a legal principle.

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